1Password has decided to use a solution to sort passwords using free text tags. This works well in small teams but in large teams this won’t work. Can you imagine how many possible spellings there are for Service-Account? The only other solution is to have multiple vaults, but that isn’t ideal either as then we would need a vault for SysAdmin-SVC-Accounts, Designer-SVC-Accounts and Dev-SVC-Accounts. This presents problems because then we would need to set permissions on each of those. There is also a possibility that we might need to put the same login in more than 1 of those vaults. This would not be a problem if we had folders and subfolders.
It would even work better if Tags could be specified by Admin users and passwords could be set to require at least 1 tag. But as it stands, if we want our users to add and update details then they are able to create free text tags or even worse not put a tag at all.