Do you agree that products always have room for improvement?
"Every day there are little things in software that we find annoying. Some write books about it, like, but I thought this site would be more constructive. is proudly maintained by myself and the developers at SSW."
When I fill in forms for my company, I should be able to find each one (just like I do a Microsoft Word doc I created).
I understand that a Form is not a file stored in a Document Library like other Office docs, but I do think you could hack something so it could be surfaced.
When screen sharing in Teams or other applications, you want to be able to reduce noise as much as possible. One way to do this is by using full screen mode.
✅ Chrome – F11 works
✅ Edge – F11 works
❌ Outlook new email – F11 doesn’t work (does nothing)
If I view an all-day event in my Outlook calendar that:
Was created in a different time zone
Goes for multiple days
Has all-day event ticked
The event will show as one day shorter than the actual event. The hover preview shows the same (incorrect) number of days. If I open the event, it displays correctly.
In SharePoint it shows the file history fine. But the history doesn’t completely appear in the Desktop/Web versions of Office.
We find ourselves looking at version history when debugging SharePoint stuff for clients, and it is useful. Until now we had never gone to Word to view the history – so to find out it does not work is concerning 🔥
In SharePoint we see:
In Web version of Word we see:
In Desktop versions of Word we see (Note we see more file history in the desktop version too):
There are a few shortcuts on the OWA web app, like bold (Ctrl + B).
One thing I find myself commonly missing is the shortcut to indent/outdent text.
Tab of course will not work because it will be handled by the browser to focus on elements.
I suggest using Ctrl + ] and Ctrl + [ to indent and outdent respectively.
There are many other actions that do not have shortcuts, all the actions on the bottom of the email composer should have a shortcut, but for now this feature would be great.