Help me have a clean message for email replies on an Issue

Replying to an Issue via email is a great feature as it saves you opening GitHub – you can reply without leaving Outlook.

The problem is the messages will include a lot of noise (sometimes blank spaces) with the email history and irrelevant data, which makes them hard to follow in GitHub…

Suggestion: Clean up email replies by keeping only the body of an email (no history, no extras)

See the replies in this Issue that were sent via email:

❌ Figure: Too much noise on email replies

Related links:

Improve the collaboration breakdown by having clear numbers

Currently we see the data about emails and chats in minutes (that is hard to convey)

I would prefer to have the numbers of:

  • Emails sent/received
  • Chat messages sent/received

Another good info to have would be how people react to chat messages, showing the number of:

  • Positive reactions (thumbs up, love, smile)
  • Negative reactions (thumbs down, angry face)
Figure: What does 37 minutes over emails mean?

Let me know my account doesn’t have access instead of a 404

Trying to access some photos on Google Photos as per Do you manage your photos? but I’ve got a 404:

Figure: The photos existed but the message tells me otherwise

We later realized I was using a wrong account (login).

At first, I didn’t even think about changing accounts because I got a 404. Instead, we would expect to see a message like:

You have no permissions to see these photos.

Help me have a quiet experience when traveling on a freeway

Reduce inside noise as per the thread below.

I have a Tesla Model S. Has anyone noticed that the road and wind noise is much greater in the Tesla than other comparable cars like BMW and Mercedes? Those cars are much quieter. 

by Frank Kemper


Have separated folders for a Team “chat” files and Team “project” files

Currently, any images or documents shared in a Team chat conversation will automatically be in the “Files” folder. These files are often temporary.

The “Files” folder should have only permanent files that are relevant to the project.

Figure: Bad example – Files with different purposes are mixed in the same folder (tab). In blue we see conversation images; in red we have the project files

We believe chat images should go into a separated “Conversations” folder, so we have 2 folders (tabs):

  • Conversations: files from chat (mostly temporary)
  • Files: files manually added as a resource to the project (mostly permanent)

Help me to fix mistakes in responses

I love using Microsoft Forms and in the end, reviewing the answers is fun. Suggestions to make it even better:

  1. As the administrator, add the functionality to edit fields that are incorrect.
    For example here the user was accidentally logged in as “SVC_Dash” instead of “Greg”… 
  2. Of course, there should be history, if you want to round out the feature.
  3. And the most simple improvement would be to make the UX clearer. In this case, the current user is shown, but it is too subtle and users that have made the below mistake, did not know they had not logged out of their non-primary account.

I’d love know if others would like this feature too…

Figure: Allow me to edit a mistake on