I find it an awesome feature for organizing tab groups…. See the dotted lines
(Of course work with the VS team so the feature is consistent).

Figure: Organize your IE tab mess, by dragging out the tab… see the dotted lines
I find it an awesome feature for organizing tab groups…. See the dotted lines
(Of course work with the VS team so the feature is consistent).
Figure: Organize your IE tab mess, by dragging out the tab… see the dotted lines
I hate not knowing which tab is playing sound and which one is making my PC slow
Add 2 more columns:
Figure: Add 2 more columns
Figure: Add “View by Last Closed”
For the last few years, I have been hoping that Scott Guthrie would give us a rich text field in Silverlight (and supported copying and pasting images on the clipboard)… Like Word gives us today.
Would it be better for IE9 to give us an awesome Rich Text Control that does this?
I am thinking about the use in CRM, TFS and SharePoint; however every blog out there could use it in their comments…
And everyone would want to use IE over the other browsers.
Here is just one example of people kind of requesting this feature on codeplex:
Allow formatting in comments
Here is an other
At http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/community/add/ff400237.aspx
Figure: This does not allow adding an image (ideally you want to paste from the clipboard)
Clearly it is missing from Google’s presentation
Anybody think this is hurting IE’s market share?
Anybody consider this is solved, since we now have:
SVG Web’ is a JavaScript library at http://code.google.com/p/svgweb
‘Google Chrome Frame’, an open source plug-in that brings Google Chrome’s JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
At https://developers.google.com/chrome/chrome-frame/
Figure: HTML5 Support
BTW damn shame that we seem to be missing this functionality in IE.
Figure: Missing Functionality
Figure: Missing Functionality
More at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siOHh0uzcuY&feature=related
I hate not knowing which tab is playing sound and which one is making my PC slow.
Add 2 more columns:
Figure: Add 2 more columns
IE8 broke it…. Firefox works much better when offline
Figure: IE8 Cannot Work Offline
I am travelling in (say) NZ and accessing the Net through the Hotel’s broadband access system. If I have to reboot I save all my current open tabs when I close down Internet Explorer.
After I reboot and reopen IE every page is redirected to the hotel broadband login homepage. Aaaaaaaaaahhhh… Not happy. I won’t be able to remember and I am not going through all my history for the last week.
Figure: All pages have been redirect to hotel page
The main purpose of Internet Explorer should be to render web pages. There is no point having a massive UI shell it should be kept to a minimum, just like it is now. If individuals need more they can download an add-on. This gives consumers more choices and is the way to go. I could add on the Google Toolbar or the Altavista Toolbar depending on my needs.
Gestures are a very handy feature in some other browsers, such as Opera and Firefox, where specific mouse movements can be associated with actions. For example, holding down the button and moving the mouse to the right navigates forward in your browser history.
It is clear to see the great ideas in Firefox, wouldn’t it be even better if we could all use these innovations in our own Windows applications. Build them into Windows not into IE. Seeing these changes in the next service pack for windows would be great.