Help me deploy the right Azure resources from GitHub Actions

There have been awesome improvements to the GitHub Actions “New Workflow” screen as per the blog: Getting started with GitHub Actions just got easier!

Suggestion #1 – Give love to Azure’s Static Site offerings

When adding a GitHub action for a Gatsby GitHub project, in “Deployment” it prompts to “Deploy Node.js to Azure Web App” even though it should suggest these 2 resources:

  • “Azure Static Web Apps”
  • “Static website hosting in Azure Storage”
Figure: Bad example – This repo is a Gatsby app but it doesn’t suggest any static Azure solutions

Suggestion #2 – Give love to Azure Bot Framework

When adding a GitHub action for an Azure Bot Framework GitHub Project, in “Deployment” it prompts to “Deploy .NET Core app to an Azure Web App”, it should also suggest resources like

  • “Azure Bot Service”
  • “Language Understanding (LUIS)”
Figure: Bad example – This repo contains Azure Bot Framework code but it doesn’t suggest resources for Azure Bot Framework and LUIS