Help me avoid losing Microsoft Forms when employees leave

I have had employees leave SSW and we have had little dramas later… this is when I discover that we have lost their forms. Has this happened to any of you?

Losing Microsoft Forms when employees leave your company can be avoided by making sure they share it to a team and not to one user.


I would like a warning in the form that says this form is an orphan and is not shared to a team.


…even better, have an admin portal that allows you to assign the missing form to a new owner.

Figure: This form was shared to a bunch of people but when the creator left, it was lost

To repro:

Figure: Open form (you can see it)
Figure: But you only get “Sorry, something went wrong  This form doesn’t exist”

Help me annotate our Microsoft Forms responses

One of the things I’ve learnt using Microsoft Forms is that employees want to get feedback on their feedback, otherwise they feel that their time went into a blackhole. 

Therefore, after all the responses come in, I review the comments and I find I want to bold and highlight remarkable feedback. 

Workaround – You cannot do this now, so we must copy the responses into a Word document and annotate it there. Then I record a video and send it to the staff, an example (of a public one) is below.


  1. Please allow Microsoft Forms responses to be annotated
  2. Please allow an emoji to be given to a response
  3. Please give us an extra “Notes” column after the “Responses” column
  4. Please have the whole form have a “Notes” field too, so I can place comments there
    E.g. the URL of the feedback video
Figure: When viewing Microsoft Forms responses, it should be possible to annotate them
Figure: See this video where we must copy all the responses into word to be able to annotate them

Help me prevent graph data loss

If you edit a response that has answers, you suddenly lose the nice bars on your graph and they move into the field “Other”. 

Please add a warning “you will lose your graph data as this option has xx responses”.

Figure: Editing response options will move all data into “Other”, without a warning! 🔥

Help me to fix mistakes in responses

I love using Microsoft Forms and in the end, reviewing the answers is fun. Suggestions to make it even better:

  1. As the administrator, add the functionality to edit fields that are incorrect.
    For example here the user was accidentally logged in as “SVC_Dash” instead of “Greg”… 
  2. Of course, there should be history, if you want to round out the feature.
  3. And the most simple improvement would be to make the UX clearer. In this case, the current user is shown, but it is too subtle and users that have made the below mistake, did not know they had not logged out of their non-primary account.

I’d love know if others would like this feature too…

Figure: Allow me to edit a mistake on