In Tools – Page Options, users should be able to add custom tags. (eg missing span). Currently I need to switch to Dreamweaver to use this functionality.
Last Saved By
I love editing web pages using FrontPage directly from Internet Explorer. However doing it this way can cause concurrent editing problems, as it doesn’t recognise which user is making the changes. You can see that the the “saved to the server by …” field is blank. You don’t get this problem if you open the file in FrontPage from Windows Explorer directly. Unfortunately there is no work-around to this bug.

Figure: Editing in FrontPage from Internet Explorer potential causes concurrent editing problems
MailTo: Links – enable body parameters
The mailto: link supports a body parameter. This should be editable in the hyperlink dialog.

Figure: Body parameter not allowed
Different color for CSS comments
This is clearly a comment and Show Color Coding is checked on, yet the comments are not in green like all other Microsoft development environments.

Figure: Comment text not green, even while ‘Show Color Coding’ is checked
Add captions for images
Microsoft Word currently supports attaching captions to embedded images, as seen in the following screenshot. This cannot be done with embedded images in Microsoft FrontPage, however. It would be useful if users could add captions to FrontPage images as well.

Figure: Microsoft Word’s image pop-up menu includes Caption command
Where is the strikethrough option? (it is in Word)
Right click the menu – Customize. No Strikethough option to drag onto the toolbar.

Figure: Strikethrough command does not appear in the list
FrontPage should support ASPX and ASCX files. * FIXED IN FRONTPAGE 2003 BETA * 2)
In the Normal view there should be a GUI component to show a reference to an aspx include file – currently it is too easy to delete code like this (because you don’t see it in the designer).