Help me open up a draft | hit delete ❌
Outlook for iOS and Android
Help me remember what to do with an email
I’m on a long flight right now traveling from the USA to Australia doing emails. It would be great to have a feature that made you need to use Microsoft’s iOS app over the build it Apple mail app. I have one that would make me always use it!
I’m forgetful so when I get an email and think “I’ll call them back” or “I’ll add the to the VSTS backlog later” or “Speak to my girls at home” etc
I find I too often forget.
I’d love tags “To call”… “Add to backlog”… “My girls” etc.
Any +1’s on this? Or do you have a better system than your memory?
Enlarge images on click
When I touch an image I want it to enlarge… ideally to full screen. Like the common Lightbox approach in websites.