Help me use full screen mode in Outlook

When screen sharing in Teams or other applications, you want to be able to reduce noise as much as possible. One way to do this is by using full screen mode.

✅ Chrome – F11 works

✅ Edge – F11 works

❌ Outlook new email – F11 doesn’t work (does nothing)

❌ Word – F11 doesn’t work (does nothing)

❌ Excel – F11 doesn’t work (goes to Charts)

❌ Figure: F11 key goes to Charts in Excel
✅ Figure: Full screen in Edge with F11

Spelling – Microsoft Word should pick up all spelling/grammar issues

It is very important that Microsoft Word picks up all spelling/grammar issues. It may be one little bug, but more likely this bug could affect a lot of possible sentences.
More and more people with English as their second language rely on this to make their emails professional.

When you type a sentence using the verb in the singular form with the subject is in the plural form, “Spelling and Grammar Check” tool does not pick it up as an error unless you keep typing more words after that.
E.g. “For documents that belongs on the inside…” should be “For documents that belong on the inside…”



Figure: BUG  - Microsoft Word's Spelling and Grammar Check tool can't pick up some correct words

Figure: BUG – Microsoft Word’s Spelling and Grammar Check tool can’t pick up some correct words

Figure: BUG  - Microsoft Word's Spelling and Grammar Check tool does not highlight the error if you have "..." at the end of the sentence

Figure: BUG – Microsoft Word’s Spelling and Grammar Check tool does not highlight the error if you have “…” at the end of the sentence

Note: We also rely on this with our Do you use Microsoft Word’s spelling and grammar checker to make your web content professional? rule.

Help me use Office’s Quick Access Toolbar – Make our software learn

I don’t see users (aka knowledge workers) use the Quick Access Toolbar… I don’t even see advanced users like developers use it.

I think it would be great to have it automatically learn how we use the application and put shortcut commands there.

Then encourage me to use the shortcut commands, by having it give a visual indication (eg. flash) when I use the normal slow menu.

Figure: It would be great to see the Quick Access Toolbar grow from this...

Figure: It would be great to see the Quick Access Toolbar grow from this…

Figure: To this... automatically

Figure: To this… automatically

PS: I would also like to see it in VS.NET