Add a note on deleted record

When you add a contact and it is the same name, then it offers to merge the contacts (and if you say ‘yes’ it deletes it). Can you please add a note on the deleted record “This record was deleted by the Contact Merge Tool”.

Figure: Contacts with the same name

Figure: Contacts with the same name

Figure: Contacts details

Figure: Contacts details

Search – Add “Type” to the “Criteria” combo

Make it easy to find all the appointments in your inbox (that you have not accepted or declined).

Eg. I want to say something like “Type: Calendar” or “Type: Appointment” however neither one works.

Figure: Add option "Type" to allow you to find appointments

Figure: Add option “Type” to allow you to find appointments

Figure: Search help needs a list of all options you can manually type (that is not in the "Criteria" dropdown)

Figure: Search help needs a list of all options you can manually type (that is not in the “Criteria” dropdown)

Looking up a contact

Be aware that people create new email addresses all the time and for all types of reasons, eg. for mailing lists.

Figure: Looking up the address' contact

Figure: Looking up the address’ contact

When looking up a contact and the email address does not exist. This message box is not good enough. It should say “Here are a list of suggestions that have email addresses that are very close.”

Figure: This dialog is not good enough

Figure: This dialog is not good enough