Outlook progress difficult to see

When the Send/Receive button is clicked in Outlook a progress window is shown. Using the words “Completed” and “Processing” can have a nasty side effect of not being able to easily see which messages are still to be processed. A better Solution would be to change the word “Completed” by the word “Done”.

Figure: Outlook progress window

Figure: Outlook progress window

Remove one of the dumbest defaults in history

How many times have you create a meeting request – saved and sent it – then realised you forgot to put the time and date.
You reopen it and fix it – but the other person still receives the original email with an “Updated: xxxxx”

Why would the assumption be every meeting is going to be for the next 30 minutes?

Microsoft, please default it to zero – or give an option in Tools Options to turn it off.

Figure: Microsoft Outlook assumes every meeting is going to be for the next 30 minutes

Figure: Microsoft Outlook assumes every meeting is going to be for the next 30 minutes

Bad UI in Send/Receive Settings window

I want to work offline – but have everything sync every 5 minutes (EXCEPT my Outbox – I will do that manually)

1) So I choose File | Work Offline

Figure: Select Work Offline

Figure: Select Work Offline

2) Select Define Send/Receive Groups

Figure: Select Define Send/Receive Groups

Figure: Select Define Send/Receive Groups

3) Tick the checkbox – Schedule an automatic send/receive every 5 minutes, then edit ‘All Accounts’.

Figure: Send/Receive Groups

Figure: Send/Receive Groups

4) Then check off “Send mail items”
However it keeps sending emails because the Outbox is selected in the tree control The Outbox should show as Strikethrough when that checkbox is off

Figure: Bad UI in Send/Receive Settings, the Outbox should show as strikethrough

Figure: Bad UI in Send/Receive Settings, the Outbox should show as strikethrough