Help me avoid anonymous for internal employees

When looking at form responses and seeing “Respondent x” it is an unpleasant experience.

This happens when you change the form to be available outside the organization. Now all responses are anonymous.

This should not happen for the internal employees.

Figure: In this case, the form was changed midway to allow external people also to join in. Unfortunately, all respondents (including internal) are now anonymous 💥

Suggestion to Microsoft: Please add a new setting that requires you to log in to a Microsoft account before submitting a response (could be your Domain eg. SSW or personal). Then we can share the Form externally, but also store the internal employee names on the submitted form (essential for follow up questions).

Nasty workaround: Add an extra question to the form asking who it is, but that still wouldn’t give us the email address… So we would need to add another question for that too. 

Help me read the comments for “Other” easily

When you have 6 options like this, and one is “Other”, the users will type answers and then you want to read them. The problem is if, in the answers, you don’t give numbers or letters for each choice…

Figure: There are 7 users who selected “Other”
Figure: Which one is “Other”? A better UI would have #13 highlighted in yellow or in italic, so you easily know that answer was manually typed. A prefix “Other – ” could also do the job

Tip: To avoid this problem and make it easier than find the others add “1. 2. 3 etc” or “A, B, C, etc” See Rules to Better Microsoft Forms

Help me easily see the form I work on each week

You know I love Microsoft Teams – I use it every week.

1. Are you going to be doing many changes to this view (I don’t enjoy using it a lot)

2. I am baffled when I see all these groups (when I have never used them)…. can you give the user the ability to remove them? (Even better dont show them if they are 0)

3. The group I use every week never shows up… I expect it to be #1 based on usage… so it kind of seems like a bug to me.

Figure: Sadly Recent Group Forms just shows me junk

Help people finish the form in the timebox

I love Microsoft Forms records the time taken and give us a summary at the end.

Can you work out a reasonable timebox (a touch of Azure AI) based on the other submitted forms and the number of questions…. and give a little beep say every 5 minutes if they have exceeded the time that is reasonable.

One person can forget to finish their Microsoft Form and leave their browser open and it screws up all stats.

As an example everyone in my company was close enough to the 15 minute timebox – this one person ruined the stats.

Figure: Microsoft Forms didn’t remind this person to finish
Figure: So my stats are not useful

Help me know my progress when reading responses for a Form

  1. I have 50 responses to read… where am I up to?
    Suggestion: Show an indicator on this page
  2. When a new response comes afterwards… how do I know I have a new one to read?
    Suggestion: Have a read/unread like email
  3. When a response requires a comment from me … how do I do that?
    Suggestion: Have a comments with an @mention just like Teams and Azure DevOps.
Figure: How many more to read?