Help me search for root site only (no subsites)

The “File, Folder or Site” box shouldn’t a simple text filter.

Say I want to have results for my root site only ( – without subsites (say,, I have currently no way of doing it. Searching for “” will give me results that are in subsites or pretty much anything that includes “”.

Suggestion: Either implement “smart” search with the keyword (E.g. “” AND (NOT “”)) OR add a multi-select dropdown to pick the sources (sites, subsites, teams, etc…)

Figure: “file, folder or site” filter box at the bottom of search criteria

Help me see the exact date a change was made

Office 365 dates seem to be too simple. Audit data should be crystal clear (as detailed as possible).

I find audit history on Office365 to be lacking E.g.

It certainly is less useful than Sharepoint 2016 as dates were shown better.

I searched for a record on the 2 lists and here is what I see:

Office 365
Eg. show me last activity as Friday at 2:15 PM
SharePoint 2016
Eg. show me last activity as Created at 9/03/2018 5:06 PM

I find it less useful as it doesn’t tell me the date it was created on. I would prefer to have something like “2 days ago at 2:15 PM (Friday 9/03/2018)

PS: This is very simple to do with Moment.js

Figure: Office365 – Audit data

Figure: SharePoint 2016 – Audit data

Help me remember what to do with an email

I’m on a long flight right now traveling from the USA to Australia doing emails.  It would be great to have a feature that made you need to use Microsoft’s iOS app over the build it Apple mail app. I have one that would make me always use it!

I’m forgetful so when I get an email and think “I’ll call them back” or “I’ll add the to the VSTS backlog later” or “Speak to my girls at home” etc
I find I too often forget.

I’d love tags “To call”… “Add to backlog”… “My girls” etc.

Any +1’s on this? Or do you have a better system than your memory?

Figure: Microsoft’s iOS mail app needs custom Tags

Figure: Apple’s iOS mail app does not have custom Tags

Let me re-open my last bunch of tabs

This missing feature for me is a show-stopper that keeps me on Chrome. There are 2 scenarios that I need to be supported. The first is a blue screen where I want Edge to pick up where I left off. The second is when I accidentally hit the Close button (top right) and go ‘ooops’.

For example, I had 20 tabs opened on Edge – normally Edge is good about keeping my last tabs when I reboot. Yesterday I had an unexpected restart on my Surfacebook and after the PC restarted – all my tabs were all gone. I have no idea why.

Is there any way to reopen my last closed tabs?

History doesn’t help.

Summary: I won’t use Edge as my main browser until I get Control + Shift + T that re-opens my last bunch of tabs.

FYI – This command in Chrome works as described  E.g. It will open my last 10 tabs: