Adding “Created By” and “Updated By” fields for contact information

I want to know who created this contact and who updated the information for this contact, it should have “Created By” and “Updated By” fields.

Figure: Contact information

Figure: Contact information

Suggestion: Adding “Created By” and “Updated By” fields for contact information, and automatic save the logon user to the fields after a contact information was created or updated

We have a rule for checking your database about this, please seeĀ Do you have standard Tables and Columns?


Storing all settings in the Store Location directory

Outlook Express is aimed at home users. The file & settings transfer wizard allows users to transfer addresses between computers. However, it is very difficult when changing computers to keep all your mail and newsgroups from your old computer.

The current ‘Files and settings transfer wizard’ is inadequate in transferring mail, news groups and setting between machines.

Figure: Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

Figure: Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

Suggestion: All settings be kept in the Store Location directory. This would make moving to another PC as easy as clicking on the “Store Folder” button.

Figure: Store Location Folder

Figure: Store Location Folder

For more information on this topic see your addition article: “When changing computers, how can I keep all my mail and newsgroups from my old computer?”

Help me see the file size of a page including and excluding images

The Page Properties in Internet Explorer is useful to view file size information of a web page. The file size displayed on this window however can confuse a user as it is unclear whether this figure includes images attached to that page.

I would also like to see the file size displayed on this window including images attached to that page.

Figure: Add a new property called Size including Images" under "Size"

Figure: Add a new property called Size including Images” under “Size”

Help me work with the Macros via XML

I wish could copy the text via a button “Edit Macro XML”… And the XML was formatted nicely :-)

Figure: Add a menu item "View XML"

Figure: Add a menu item “View XML”

    < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>
    < DataMacros xmlns="">< DataMacro Event="AfterUpdate">
    < Statements>< ConditionalBlock>< If>< Condition>[Table1].[Salary]>50000< /Condition>< Statements>< EditRecord>< Data/>
    < Statements>< Action Name="SetField">< Argument Name="Field">Table1.Notes< /Argument>< Argument Name="Value">
    "he is paid too much"
    < /Argument>< /Action>< /Statements>< /EditRecord>< /Statements>< /If>
    < Else>< Statements>< EditRecord>< Data/>< Statements>< Action Name="SetField">< Argument Name="Field">Table1.Notes
    < /Argument>< Argument Name="Value">"too little"< /Argument>< /Action>< /Statements>< /EditRecord>< /Statements>< /Else><
     /ConditionalBlock>< /Statements>
    < /DataMacro>< /DataMacros>

Figure: This ugly URL should be changed to nicely formatted XML

Help me update IE without updating Windows [Fixed by Microsoft in IE7]

Why havent Microsoft released IE 7? Because it is part of the OS. The only way they can do it would be via new versions of Windows or Service Packs. I dont agree with that. I think it should be separated from the OS for 2 reasons:

  • We need updates at least once a year
  • There could be a great reduction in security issues by separating this further from the OS and stopping buffer overruns. Firefox has 0 Critical Security Alerts since it came out mostly because it runs on the XUL framework with abstracts from the OS.


Figure: Firefox errors

Figure: Firefox errors

Figure: Firefox 3.x errors

Figure: Firefox 3.x errors *NOT GOOD*

Figure: IE errors

Figure: IE errors

Figure: IE7 errors

Figure: IE7 errors

Improved Download Management

It would be good if there were better download features similar to those found in other programs (eg. Firefox, Getright Lite etc). Getright Lite allows the user to have more options of views to see a transfer queue, download later, throttle the download.

I should not need 3rd party software to be able to resume a download! The download manager in IE should be able to handle the situations like connection drop.

Figure: Bad Example - IE's download window is too simply, there is no way to resume an interrupted download session

Figure: Bad Example – IE’s download window is too simply, there is no way to resume an interrupted download session

We have also tested this on Vista/IE7+, however it’s kind of sad, there is no improvement. Also, when I disconnect the Internet connection, the download window is just staying there, no indication of the status at all.

Figure: Bad Example - Vista/IE7's download window is simply hanging there when the connection drops

Figure: Bad Example – Vista/IE7’s download window is simply hanging there when the connection drops

Figure: Good Example - GetRight can help you to resume download and manage your sessions

Figure: Good Example – GetRight can help you to resume download and manage your sessions

Figure: Good Example - FireFox has a download manager that allows you to restart an interrupted download session

Figure: Good Example – FireFox has a download manager that allows you to restart an interrupted download session

Note: Better download managers than the one that comes built into IE7