Help me use NDI easier

NDI (Network Device Interface) is great… For those that don’t know it is an open standard invented by | Your Official Destination for All Things NDI®  Microsoft Teams has now started to bring this to the masses!

Well done for beating Zoom ⭐ 

I seriously hope Microsoft keep the quality higher than the Zoom team can.

My  questions and suggestions:

  1. For a company, it is not on by default until the System Administrator enables that… I’d love to know if it was purely for privacy reasons. I would prefer it on by default to increase adoption.
  2. For a user, it is not on by default in the app, and when you turn it on…. It turns off when you leave Teams!
    So next time I open Teams I have to turn on NDI again. That seems like a bug to me.
  3. I assume NDI uses up some background processing when in use – I think I see the CPU work harder when connected to an NDI device of my TV guys.
    I love to see a quality option E.g. NDI quality: High | Normal | Low
  4. Make the UX easy. Relocate the NDI setting so it is simple to access. Currently, you need to go to
          Profile | Settings | Permissions | NDI
    It should be as easy as sharing your screen and sound. When you share your screen there is a checkbox to share audio being “Include Computer Sound”. Copy that UX.
    E.g. so when you turn on your camera, add a checkbox to “Share with NDI”
    or put it in the “…” menu (see image below)
Figure: When in a call add   “…” | Enable NDI

Love to know if you agree…

Add a Team calendar tab

We want a ‘Team Calendar’ tab to put on each Team ….. we want team members to make calendar invitations from the Team, not from their personal calendar… as it is part of the information of the team.

This should be built-in, and whilst it can be solved with SharePoint – it is tedious. I’ve written up my solution here: Do you make your team meetings easy to find?

Matt Wicks

UserVoice: Add a team calendar to Teams or allow a project team calendar to be added as a tab.

Help me see the history for each dashboard widget

It would be awesome if we could see who added or configured a widget on an Application Insights dashboard.

When a widget has appeared on the page and you would like to speak to the person about the purpose of it, it would be nice to see an “Activity Log” or “Dashboard History” page.

Who added this widget? The Application Insights Dashboard should have an “Activity Log”

Help me find the highlight and font color

Dear Microsoft Teams Team,

Microsoft Teams suggestion – Help me find the highlight and font color

I expect no-one uses these 2 buttons regularly like they do in Outlook and Word. Therefore I think if you look at the current status of usage, these icons would not be used that much. If you were to change them to look just like Microsoft Word I’d bet the usage figures would go up.

Please consider using the same colour on the highlight and font colour icons

Figure: Good example – In Word, I am very used to seeing the yellow and the red
Figure: Bad example – In Teams, I think these 2 icons are unrecognizable !! The A looks like an underline

Help me find and remove a Microsoft Form

(Please tell me if I got this wrong and it is for the Microsoft Forms Team)

In Teams, you may have mistakenly moved a Microsoft Form into the team and now you want to get rid of it… but it is quite invisible.

  1. Can you add an easy way to get to this screen (on the right)?
    Maybe add a 3rd option (after Rename and Remove) called “View this Form on Microsoft Forms | Group Forms”

I hope this helps…

Figure: Can we have an easy way to get to the screen on the right?

Help me avoid anonymous for internal employees

When looking at form responses and seeing “Respondent x” it is an unpleasant experience.

This happens when you change the form to be available outside the organization. Now all responses are anonymous.

This should not happen for the internal employees.

Figure: In this case, the form was changed midway to allow external people also to join in. Unfortunately, all respondents (including internal) are now anonymous 💥

Suggestion to Microsoft: Please add a new setting that requires you to log in to a Microsoft account before submitting a response (could be your Domain eg. SSW or personal). Then we can share the Form externally, but also store the internal employee names on the submitted form (essential for follow up questions).

Nasty workaround: Add an extra question to the form asking who it is, but that still wouldn’t give us the email address… So we would need to add another question for that too. 

Help me read the comments for “Other” easily

When you have 6 options like this, and one is “Other”, the users will type answers and then you want to read them. The problem is if, in the answers, you don’t give numbers or letters for each choice…

Figure: There are 7 users who selected “Other”
Figure: Which one is “Other”? A better UI would have #13 highlighted in yellow or in italic, so you easily know that answer was manually typed. A prefix “Other – ” could also do the job

Tip: To avoid this problem and make it easier than find the others add “1. 2. 3 etc” or “A, B, C, etc” See Rules to Better Microsoft Forms