Help me move part of a conversation

I am on a mobile device a lot E.g. iOS and often people send tasks on it.

Currently, I can only select 1 message at a time and copy and paste somewhere else.


Allow me to select a bunch of messages and pop up the menu and see:

  • Copy and paste
  • Send to a new email
  • Send to OneNote
  • Send to Azure DevOps work item
  • Send to Trello

Figure: I want to combine these 4 messages and send to an email

Unnecessary notification groups

1. Why is this notification for a team shown in the “Activity” and not the “Teams” group

2. Why do we have the “Activity” tab at all? I don’t think it’s needed.

3. Furthermore, do we even need the “Teams” tab. I don’t think so, I’d like them all together like Skype

Help me Clean Conversations…I see too much noise!

Please make Teams work nicely for those that have OCD :-)

  1. If I delete a message. I am OK with seeing “This message has been deleted” for a little while
    But then I want an option to get rid of it. Eg. a cross “x” to get rid of that too
  2. If I delete a message, I want the thread deleted too (see red arrow below)
  3. If I install a bot, ask for some help, then realize I didn’t like it. I now want it *all* gone.
    Currently, I can remove the bot, and my own message to the bot, just not the 2 message from the bot (see below)

Help me move off Skype, auto add the contacts

I’m not sure if you’ll agree with this but I thought I’d pass it on.

My personal assistant Joanna is reluctantly moving off Skype.

What should her first experience be? Should ‘Chat’ have a list of names even before chatting to anyone?

She just pinged me and said:

Okay, I’ve switched from Skype to Teams. I’ve been added to the team called “SSW”. When I go to chat to someone, I expect to see all the people in those teams. I feel like I am starting afresh and almost need to add all my Skype contacts again manually. This is not the starting experience I expected.

Figure: Joanna’s first experience is this… no names…

[Also posted at]

Help me do less clicking by showing number of items

Dear Microsoft Teams,

I’d love to do less clicking… seeing nothing… and then going back.

E.g. An example of that kind of frustration would be clicking on “Files” (when there is nothing in that folder) then seeing nothing and going back.

And get

Can you change the iPhone mobile app to show the number of items by default?




   Files (0)
   Wiki (4)
[Also posted at]

Help me be able to use @team (in Microsoft Teams and Azure DevOps Work Items)

Dear Microsoft Teams Team

You might have already thought about this, but I find myself wanting to notify everyone in the team… so intuitively I just want to type ‘all’

Suggestion: We should be able to use @team or @all instead of typing out the current team’s name.

Figure: Here I would prefer to type “@team” instead of the team name “@Mark & Adam”

[This was also posted at]

Dear Azure DevOps Team

It goes without saying I’d like other Microsoft products to work in a similar way.

The most pressing would be Azure DevOps work items.

Figure: Here I would love to be able to address the whole team with “@team”